Friday, September 24, 2010

Apricots apricots originated in China

 Introduced the 1st century BC Mediterranean. Romans called apricots as praecoquum, which means early-ripening (early), perhaps because of earlier flowering apricot, peach and other fruits than mature reason. Into the Arabic word for albirquq, and then to another Portuguese, as albricoque, finally entered the English. The original English form apricock, to the 18th century, due to the assimilation of French in the form abricot evolved into apricot.

artichoke artichoke artichoke artichoke

According to legend, because certain artists (artist) eat this delicious dish was inedible when the needle part of the choke (choke), hence the name. In fact, artichoke's origin is not as poetic as the legend. It originated from the Arabic al-(kh) arshuf (al is the definite article in Arabic). Italian absorbed through the Spanish word for articiocco, then enter the French, for artichaut. Artichoke into a number of the form may be subject to the influence of the mass on the choke. artichoke generally refers to the However, another name of Jerusalem artichoke: Jerusalem artichoke, the plant native to North America, not from Jerusalem (Jerusalem). 1617 when the Italian first planted in Europe when it named girasole articiocco (the equivalent of sunflower artichoke), because it looks like sunflower (sunflower), and taste like artichoke (artichoke). Absorption of the 17th century British term, in their rather like listening to girasole Jerusalem, it was called Jerusalem artichoke, intends to make it humorous means, which can be said that the product of folk etymology

avocado avocado avocado avocado

avocado is a fruit shaped like pear fruit. Avocados originated in the Western Hemisphere south of the mainland of Mexico to the Andean region. 15th century Indians of Mexico with high culture, the Aztecs (Aztecs) of Mexico in this, the South built an empire, conquered in 1521 by Spanish colonists. Aztec Emperor Meng Tizu Maer Shi (Montezuma II, 1466? -1520) To entertain the Spanish colonists avocado Cortez (Hernando Cortes ,1485-1547) and others, the Aztecs guests explains that this results in that language China Patel (Nuhuatl) said ahuacatl, meaning The Aztecs also explain the side edge of drawing to the guests to see, ahuacatl sounds like in Spanish Spanish aguacate, so they have this name, it would be back home. But shortly after, the name was correct in saying the first was avigato, then turned to avocado (and means Avocado spread to Europe, immediately become the favorite fruit. English has absorbed its Spanish name, but chose the popular etymology variant avocado. 17th century into the English word, people find it very strange, incomprehensible, in turn it and its origin, the alligator (alligator) linked town America, and gave it took a generic alligator pear, it meaningful. Chinese name

anemone Anemone

people tend to spend with this one linked to ancient Greek mythology. Adonis (Adonis) is the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite (Aphrodite) are obsessed with the beauty of youth, wild boar hunting was bitten to death. After his death, Aphrodite lose, Pluto moved by its truth, 特准阿多尼斯 resurrection six months of the year and her together. Adonis blood-stained floor in a beautiful out of flower, which is common in the forest zone of the anemone. anemone from the Greek, the root anemos meaning The ancient Greeks noticed that plants often grow in windy places, its flowers are also deemed as the wind blowing, so the name of the anemone. Accordingly, anemone windflower in English also known as, Chinese, known as the

aster aster Aster Aster plant species

aster is a Latin loan words in Latin means As a word, aster refers to There are a lot of English words containing the Latin root, such as the asterisk (star, asterisk), asteroid (asteroid), disaster (disaster) and so on.


azalea azaleas are in Chinese as Directly borrowed from the Greek word in Greek means Banana banana banana


that most dictionaries, banana word comes from a certain African languages, Spanish and Portuguese first use, and after being absorbed into the English in the past. However,UGG boots, some dictionaries, such as The Fact on Files Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins is that it comes from meaning fingers.

begonia begonia begonia begonia

17 century there was the name of Michel Begon (1638-1710) French. He once served as the Governor of Santo Domingo, the French presence, and he was quite well known, a patron of science, especially active in sponsoring research on plants. He collected hundreds of plant specimens, the specimens back to France he will begonias and introduced to European botanists. He died 67 years later, in 1777, the begonia was introduced into England. To commemorate him, people used his name Begon plus table suffix-ia terms of plant composition. Begonia was originally the Latin name, English borrowed the name directly. belladonna belladonna belladonna


it is a poisonous plant, roots and leaves contain atropine (atropine), use it made of Pharmacy, also known as belladonna. Word from Italian bella donna'fair lady '(beauty). The petals of this plant, such as beautiful skin smooth, Italy with its red juice of women was as cosmetics, named

cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage

When people say a head of cabbage (a cabbage) , I am afraid few people would think is the original meaning of cabbage head (head), from the medieval French caboche (head), it is possible with the Latin caput (head) related. Obviously, this dish is because the shape of human skull and its name. It is one of the oldest vegetables, the plant has four thousand years of history. In Greek mythology, the cabbage is said to be the head of Zeus into a sweat, the ancient Greeks also believed that cabbage can cure baldness disease. Cabbage head, said the phrase camellia camellia camellia

17 century there were a man named George Joseph Kamel (1661-1706) Jesuit missionary Christian missionary to the Philippines island of Luzon, in the island found a beautiful ornamental plant, it specimens of it back to Europe. He not only took the introduction of this in Europe, but also wrote his cultivation of the plants, the report, published in London, the Royal Society Swedish naturalist Linnaeus (Carolus Linnaeus ,1707-1778) read the report, in memory of the missionaries, to press his name to this plant Kamel took a Latin name, that is, camellia. English name is borrowed directly from Latin over, Chinese, known as the

apricot apricot apricot originated in China, passed in the 1st century BC Mediterranean. Romans called apricots as praecoquum, which means early-ripening (early), perhaps because of earlier flowering apricot, peach and other fruits than mature reason. Into the Arabic word for albirquq, and then to another Portuguese, as albricoque, finally entered the English. The original English form apricock, to the 18th century, due to the assimilation of French in the form abricot evolved into apricot.

artichoke artichoke artichoke artichoke

According to legend, because certain artists (artist) eat this delicious dish was inedible when the needle part of the choke (choke), hence the name. In fact, artichoke's origin is not as poetic as the legend. It originated from the Arabic al-(kh) arshuf (al is the definite article in Arabic). Italian absorbed through the Spanish word for articiocco, then enter the French, for artichaut. Artichoke into a number of the form may be subject to the influence of the mass on the choke. artichoke generally refers to the However, another name of Jerusalem artichoke: Jerusalem artichoke, the plant native to North America, not from Jerusalem (Jerusalem). 1617 when the Italian first planted in Europe when it named girasole articiocco (the equivalent of sunflower artichoke), because it looks like sunflower (sunflower), and taste like artichoke (artichoke). Absorption of the 17th century British term, in their rather like listening to girasole Jerusalem, it was called Jerusalem artichoke, intends to make it humorous means, which can be said that the product of folk etymology

avocado avocado avocado avocado

avocado is a fruit shaped like pear fruit. Avocados originated in the Western Hemisphere south of the mainland of Mexico to the Andean region. 15th century Indians of Mexico with high culture, the Aztecs (Aztecs) of Mexico in this, the South built an empire, conquered in 1521 by Spanish colonists. Aztec Emperor Meng Tizu Maer Shi (Montezuma II, 1466? -1520) To entertain the Spanish colonists avocado Cortez (Hernando Cortes ,1485-1547) and others, the Aztecs guests explains that this results in that language China Patel (Nuhuatl) said ahuacatl,Discount UGG boots, meaning The Aztecs also explain the side edge of drawing to the guests to see, ahuacatl sounds like in Spanish Spanish aguacate, so they have this name, it would be back home. But shortly after, the name was correct in saying the first was avigato, then turned to avocado (and means Avocado spread to Europe, immediately become the favorite fruit. English has absorbed its Spanish name, but chose the popular etymology variant avocado. 17th century into the English word, people find it very strange, incomprehensible, in turn it and its origin, the alligator (alligator) linked town America, and gave it took a generic alligator pear, it meaningful. Chinese name

anemone Anemone

people tend to spend with this one linked to ancient Greek mythology. Adonis (Adonis) is the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite (Aphrodite) are obsessed with the beauty of youth, wild boar hunting was bitten to death. After his death, Aphrodite lose, Pluto moved by its truth, 特准阿多尼斯 resurrection six months of the year and her together. Adonis blood-stained floor in a beautiful out of flower, which is common in the forest zone of the anemone. anemone from the Greek, the root anemos meaning The ancient Greeks noticed that plants often grow in windy places, its flowers are also deemed as the wind blowing, so the name of the anemone. Accordingly, anemone windflower in English also known as, Chinese, known as the

aster aster Aster Aster plant species

aster is a Latin loan words in Latin means As a word, aster refers to There are a lot of English words containing the Latin root, such as the asterisk (star, asterisk), asteroid (asteroid), disaster (disaster) and so on.


azalea azaleas are in Chinese as Directly borrowed from the Greek word in Greek means Banana banana banana


that most dictionaries, banana word comes from a certain African languages, Spanish and Portuguese first use, and after being absorbed into the English in the past. However, some dictionaries, such as The Fact on Files Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins is that it comes from meaning fingers.

begonia begonia begonia begonia

17 century there was the name of Michel Begon (1638-1710) French. He once served as the Governor of Santo Domingo, the French presence, and he was quite well known, a patron of science, especially active in sponsoring research on plants. He collected hundreds of plant specimens, the specimens back to France he will begonias and introduced to European botanists. He died 67 years later, in 1777, the begonia was introduced into England. To commemorate him, people used his name Begon plus table suffix-ia terms of plant composition. Begonia of the original Latin name for the English borrowed the name directly. belladonna belladonna belladonna


it is a poisonous plant, roots and leaves contain atropine (atropine), use it made of Pharmacy, also known as belladonna. Word from Italian bella donna'fair lady '(beauty). The petals of this plant, such as beautiful skin smooth, Italy with its red juice of women was as cosmetics, hence the name.

cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage

When people say that a head of cabbage (a cabbage), I am afraid few people would think is the original meaning of cabbage head (head), from the medieval French caboche (head), it is possible with the Latin caput (head) related. Obviously, this dish is because the shape of human skull and its name. It is one of the oldest vegetables, the plant has four thousand years of history. In Greek mythology, the cabbage is said to be the head of Zeus into a sweat, the ancient Greeks also believed that cabbage can cure baldness disease. Cabbage head, said the phrase camellia camellia camellia

17 century there were a man named George Joseph Kamel (1661-1706) Jesuit missionary Christian missionary to the Philippines island of Luzon, in the island found a beautiful ornamental plant, it specimens of it back to Europe. He not only took the introduction of this in Europe, but also wrote his cultivation of the plants, the report, published in London, the Royal Society Swedish naturalist Linnaeus (Carolus Linnaeus ,1707-1778) read the report, in memory of the missionaries, to press his name to this plant Kamel took a Latin name, that is, camellia. English name is borrowed directly from Latin over, Chinese, known as the

carnation carnations, (musk) carnation carnation carnation, (musk) Carnation

term directly borrowed from the French carnation'flesh color '(red meat), while the French carnation is the source from the Latin caro / carnis'flesh '(meat). 15 to 16 century art home carnation to represent the Shortly thereafter, a flesh red flower was named carnation, Chinese for nickname flowers are still in use.

cherry cherry cherry cherry

cherry original cherries, from the French cerise / cherise, then it is not a plural noun to the plural noun, but sounds like cherries mistaken for the plural, and thus remove the suffix -s reverse and constitutes cherrie / cherry this form. There are several similar examples, such as this is not a plural noun pease, buriels, sherris have been mistaken for a plural noun, and the inverse birth pea (peas), burial (burial),UGG shoes, sherry (sherry) that the singular form. On the other hand, some of the words this is a plural noun, but was mistaken for singular use, such as chess (chess), invoice (the invoice), truce (cease-fire agreements).

coco coco coconut

coconut palm is a tropical evergreen tree native to a region in Malaysia or India, as coconut easy to float, in prehistoric times by ocean currents and spread to the entire human tropics. But the English name of the coco palm is not from the tropics. It can be traced back to the 15th century. At that time some of the Portuguese explorers in the Indian Ocean island for the first time to see the coconut, coconut shell that resembles the bottom notch three Houlian to Portuguese took it a name, called coco. Central Plains coco sense in Portuguese is 16th century English borrowed the word directly. Coconut fruit is nuts, it is called coconut, first seen in 1613, before that, coconut meat, known as the Indian nut. coconut occasionally for the cocoanut, which was once the coco and cocoa (cocoa powder) caused confusion. Coconut oil can be extracted from copra (coconut Rengan) and coir (coconut fiber) were derived from the Hindustani language (Hindu) and the southwest coast of India, Malayalam (Malayalam).

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